28th May – 1st June


Wells Dressing


20 Limit

Wibbern Hill Farm






From Ashbourne take the A515 towards Buxton. 1 mile after passing through Fenny Bentley turn right passing between the two stone pillars signposted Tissington. Proceed with care as the road narrows. After passing the village pond follow the road round to the right and over the Tissington Trail bridge. The site is on you right.  

Watch for NSC signs.



John & Christine


Email: christine@northstaffscc.org.uk

Rally fee:

£8.25 per night

Bacs booking ref. TIS25

Rally information.

Rally open at 10:00 am.

Our destination this weekend is the beautiful village of Tissington for the ‘Wells Dressing’ celebrations. The Tissington Trail is next to the rally field making an ideal venue for walkers and cyclists. Please Note that access through the village may be restricted for vehicles at certain times – please check with the Marshals when booking.

During the weekend your Marshals are hoping to organise a Treasure Hunt around the Village.