2nd – 6th May


Mayday Carnival

Ashover Showground

Milken Lane


S45 0BZ




From Matlock take the A632 s/p Chesterfield. Half a mile after passing through Kelstedge, turn right into Hut Lane, then right into Bath Lane.

Watch for N.S.C signs.


Jez & Mel


Email: jez@northstaffscc.org.uk

Rally fee:

£7.25 per night

Bacs booking ref. AMD25

Rally information.

We travel into Derbyshire for our May Day Holiday to take advantage of the Ashover May Day Carnival on Bank Holiday Monday, with May Queen, King and attendants.

Traditionally the carnival has included a host of charity stalls and the Ashover Brass Band, Maypole Dancing, Morris Dancers plus lots more. And it’s free for all the family.

Chesterfield with its crooked spire, Matlock and Matlock Bath are all close by to explore.